Individual development

Increasing self-efficacy in collaboration – how to make a difference

Developing self-efficacy in organisations and harnessing the commitment and potential of the individual to the organisation while at the same time strengthening their engagement and identification.

How can the individual find its role and contribute meaningfully in the complex interplay of an organisation?

The more complex and multi-layered an organisation is, the more difficult it is to optimally use individual skills and abilities for the benefit of the organisation.

Develop your self-efficacy in complex collective environments. Learn how to align your engagement with the engagement of your colleagues in order to increase collective efficacy.


Acquire the following skills:

  • Dealing with obstacles and frustrations,
  • Orientation within the organisation, understanding how it works and how to bring leverage,
  • Personal motivation, identification and optimal embedding within the organisation,
  • Building effective relationships, mutual leadership in formal and informal relationships,
  • Personal involvement in designing principles for collaboration and organisation,
  • Resolving tensions and bottlenecks in organisations.