Dialogue on Governance (DialogG®)
A radical path to collective efficacy
Being effective together does have many implications. In a world that is constantly changing, it is challenging for individuals to orient themselves. Many topics can be addressed only by involving many stakeholders. So far, the organisation has been designed to break down its complex service delivery into many unique pieces.
that employees only have to look at their unique tasks and the adjacent interfaces. This is very rigid and increasingly dysfunctional in dynamic environments.
DialogG - methodology
DialogG systematically reveals the synergies hidden in collaborative structures and practices. Participants co-develop the individual and collective conditions and skills required to align their efforts and to achieve their overall goals, such as:
Dialogue on Governance (DialogG) is a methodology for developing effective collaboration and sustainable governance. It is a platform for the collaborative design of effective relationships supported by powerful methods and tools.
Strengthening the organisations’ capacity to innovate and thrive
Realising future potentials. Use of the collective innovation power of all actors involved.
Focusing and alignment
Comprehensive alignment of joint activities on the aspired purposes and customer benefits. Development and implementation of a collaborative attitude (mindset). Focusing and alignment of collaboration forms and meetings.
Efficacy and productivity in collaboration
Minimising the effort of coordination and reconciliation in collaboration. Building effective and focused relationships.
Adaptability and agility
Developing the capability to successfully design and implement changes together. Increasing the speed of adaptation.
DialogG is a continuous development and transformation of organisations (metamorphosis) supported by their employees and stakeholders. It is particularly suited for the implementation of new business models as well as for facilitating mergers and acquisitions. In a broader sense, DialogG develops the governance including the required practices and structures.
DialogG Software - Plattform

A software platform supports the participants in DialogG. It translates between the perspectives of the individual, the teams and the organisation. It unveils the contribution of the individual to the overall purpose of the organisation and reconciles how collaboration with other members is arranged. It ensures that each actor is provided with the information and detail required to fulfil his or her roles. With the software, DialogG can be pursued continuously.